Publikationsliste Prof. Dr. Andreas Hahn

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 10 von 627


Alijani, S., Hahn, A., Harris, W. S., & Schuchardt, J. P. (2025). Bioavailability of EPA and DHA in humans: A comprehensive review. Progress in lipid research, 97, Artikel 101318.
Schmieta, H. M.-L., Greupner, T., Schneider, I., Wrobel, S., Christa, V., Kutzner, L., Hahn, A., Harris, W. S., Schebb, N. H., & Schuchardt, J. P. (2025). Plasma levels of EPA and DHA after ingestion of a single dose of EPA and DHA ethyl esters. LIPIDS, 60(1), 15-23.
Wolf, C. M., Zenker, M., Boleti, O., Norrish, G., Russell, M., Meisner, J. K., Peng, D. M., Prendiville, T., Kleinmahon, J., Kantor, P. F., Gottlieb Sen, D., Human, D. G., Ewert, P., Krueger, M., Reber, D., Donner, B., Hart, C., Odri Komazec, I., Rupp, S., ... Andelfinger, G. (2025). Impact of MEK Inhibition on Childhood RASopathy-Associated Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. JACC: Basic to Translational Science, 10(2), 152-166.


Abu Alwafa, R., Zahdeh, R., Zidan, S., Hahn, A., Schuchardt, J. P., & Badrasawi, M. (2024). Factors associated with quality of life among Palestinian university students: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 29(1), Artikel 2437001.
Bruns, A., Greupner, T., Nebl, J., & Hahn, A. (2024). Plant-based diets and cardiovascular risk factors: a comparison of flexitarians, vegans and omnivores in a cross-sectional study. BMC nutrition, 10, Artikel 29.
Eggersdorfer, M., Schmidt, K., Péter, S., Richards, J., Winklhofer-Roob, B., Hahn, A., & Obermüller-Jevic, U. (2024). Vitamin E: Not only a single stereoisomer. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 215, 106-111.
Gründler, L., Beinhorn, P., Hahn, A., & Schuchardt, J. P. (2024). Blood EPA and DHA status among people living in the United States from 2000 to 2023. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 203, 102653. Artikel 102653.
Hahn, A., & Behrendt, I. (2024). Ernährungsfaktoren und Inflammation. Oralprophylaxe und Kinderzahnmedizin, 46(1), 19-22.
Huang, K. D., Müller, M., Sivapornnukul, P., Bielecka, A. A., Amend, L., Tawk, C., Hahn, A., Lesker, T. R., & Strowig, T. (2024). Dietary selective effects manifest in the human gut microbiota from species composition to strain genetic makeup. Cell reports, 43(12), Artikel 115067.,
Kuehn, K., Hahn, A., & Seefried, L. (2024). Impact of restricted phosphorus, calcium-adjusted diet on musculoskeletal and mental health in Hypophosphatasia. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 8(1), Artikel bvad150.