Molecular Food Chemistry and Food Development | Prof. Dr. Esatbeyoglu

The Molecular Food Chemistry and Food Development section observes current food trends and develops innovative food products under the aspect of sustainability and naturalness. The focus is on food ingredients with special technological and physiological functional properties.
Food ingredients are analysed qualitatively and quantitatively, e.g. in raw materials, stored and processed foods. The foods we produce are subjected to shelf-life tests and the storage stability of these and other foods is investigated. Sensory and microbiological tests complete our work. We are also interested in the toxicological safety, bioavailability and health-promoting effects of various foods and their ingredients.
What does our research work look like? Watch the video to find out.
Nutritional Physiology and Human Nutrition | Prof. Dr. Hahn

The section of Nutritional Physiology and Human Nutrition works on both basic research-oriented questions and application-oriented problems concerning the relationship between nutrition and health. The focus is on investigations into the significance of individual food components, specific foods or entire diets for health and performance as well as for the prevention and therapy of nutrition-associated diseases.
The aim is to analyse the mechanisms and the extent to which nutritional factors influence these processes in humans. At the same time, it is being investigated how the knowledge gained can be put into practice and what health effects result from this.
Food Technology | Dr. Franke

The Food Technology section deals with the scientific fundamentals of the production of high-quality and safe food.
The focus is on product- and process-related approaches to the qualitative and quantitative extraction of food ingredients as well as the resource-saving processing of raw materials and intermediate products. To this end, scientific principles from biology, chemistry and physics are combined with an engineering approach in order to optimise existing technologies, particularly from the perspective of sustainability, and to investigate new approaches.