Institut für Lebensmittelwissenschaft und Humanernährung Institut Termine und Infos
Visit of 14 Mexicans from Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)

Visit of 14 Mexicans from Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)

During the current year, a select group of undergraduate and master's students from various faculties of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) and Prof. Dr. Joel H. Elizondo-Luevano had the honor of being selected to participate in the prestigious scholarship program for short study visits, internships, and seminars in Germany, sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This opportunity, extended to students from Mexico and Latin America, aims to strengthen and update knowledge in research areas and promote international student mobility.

The DAAD program seeks to foster collaboration and academic exchange between educational institutions in different countries. We are grateful to the DAAD for significantly supporting the costs of flights, food, and medical insurance. Additionally, the International Relations Office and the UANL Foundation covered part of the accommodation expenses for the professors.

The experience spanned 15 intensive days during which we visited various research laboratories at renowned German universities. Among these activities, our presence at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) on Monday, June 17, and Tuesday, June 18, stood out, where we were kindly received by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Tuba Esatbeyoglu, Director of the Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition. During this visit, we had the opportunity to closely observe her research work and participate in specialized seminars. We are grateful for the warm hospitality and professionalism with which we were received. The activities included presentations and demonstrations of innovative research projects, as well as the opportunity to interact directly with prominent German professors and professionals in our fields of study.

In addition to academic enrichment, this experience promoted the development of intercultural skills and strengthened our network of international professional contacts. The students experienced firsthand the methodology and work ethic in a foreign academic environment, providing them with a global perspective on scientific research and international collaboration opportunities.

Participation in this DAAD program has not only enriched the academic knowledge of the participating institutions and students but also significantly contributed to strengthening the collaborative and academic exchange ties between Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León and German universities. We are deeply grateful to the DAAD for this opportunity and to the International Relations Office and the UANL Foundation for their crucial support, without which this experience would not have been possible.